- Global Leadership Development Program
- Executive Development
- Blended Leadership Development
- Sales Leadership
- Leading Remote Teams
Executive Coaching: A Development Process in Three Different Market Sectors
The Need
Our clients’ requirements for executive coaching stem from different needs, but they all have one of the following common themes. They are:
- senior people who have taken on, or are about to take on, greater responsibility
- strong performers for whom some improvement areas have been identified
- individuals identified by their organization as having great potential or as being “fast trackers”
Sales Leadership at a Global Telecom. As part of a leadership development program for the sales organization, feedback was provided using their own 360 survey process, followed by a series of coaching sessions to help support the participants as they were groomed for future leadership roles within the organization.
Career Development at a Major Mobile Handset Manufacturer. As part of an integrated leadership development program, we helped participants interpret their assessment results and develop a Personal Growth Plan to enable them to tailor their needs in the program. We were required to work with people from, Europe, US and Canada, China, Japan and Singapore.
Performance Enhancement at a Global Manufacturing Organization. Following a promotion to a senior position, our client required support in transitioning to a new, more strategic role in the organization. This required ‘letting go” of some behaviors in order to develop and cultivate new appropriate abilities.
The Piñon Group Approach
Our coaching expertise focuses on:
- performance enhancement by working with clients to raise their game in areas such as team and business leadership
- developing a credible profile at a senior level
- building capabilities to move to the next level
- helping clients to “let go” of past behaviors that may have been useful in getting to their current role and developing the appropriate behaviors for their next role
To avoid the issue of “coaching dependency” our work with clients does not exceed six months. At the initial face:face contracting meeting we establish the client’s expectations and agree upon a contact schedule and way of working that matches these expectations, either face to face or via the telephone. In between sessions we agree specific development activities and then follow up to explore the lessons learned. Personal “fit” is a key aspect of this first interaction as it sets the tone for our future working relationship.